Friday, June 20, 2014

Papa Gomo will try appeal to pay RM100 a month to Anwar Ibrahim

‘I will try appeal to pay RM100 a month to Anwar’ – Papa Gomo

KUALA LUMPUR, June 20: The High Court here today discharged with cost an application by blogger Papa Gomo to defer payment of RM850,000 in reimbursements and cost to Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Judicial Commissioner Rosilah Yop made the choice in chambers in the company of lawyer Shahid Adli, demonstrating Anwar, and Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris, also known as Papa Gomo, who represented himself.
She set cost at RM5,000.
Shahid expressed reporters that Rosilah dismissed the application on grounds that there was “no circumstances to grant a stay”.
He said the appeal by Wan Muhammad Azri against Rosilah’s decision in ordering him to pay Anwar RM800,000 in damages and RM50,000 in cost, had been set for case management on June 24.
Wan Muhammad Azri, when met by reporters outside the court said he was trying to get the court’s permission to pay RM100 a month to Anwar because he only worked as a fisherman now.
He said he had also sold his shares at KL POS Media & Production Sdn Bhd.
Wan Muhammad Azri said he was however advised by Rosilah to discuss the matter with Anwar himself.
Last Feb 28, Rosilah had ruled in favour of Anwar and ordered Wan Muhammad Azri to pay the former RM800,000 in damages and RM50,000 in cost for linking the Opposition Leader to a man in a sex video.
Rosilah, in her 35-page judgment, held that based on all the evidence adduced and on a balance of probability, the court was satisfied that the plaintiff had proven that the defendant (Wan Muhammad Azri) had defamed him as all three elements of defamation were fulfilled.
Anwar filed the suit against Wan Muhammad Azri on March 21 last year, in damages, alleging that the blogger had posted a series of four defamatory statements and images on his blog dated March 16, 17, 19 and 20, 2013. –BERNAMA
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