Friday, June 20, 2014

Lupita Nyong'o nicks her stylo first Vogue cover

On undertaking her first awards season, anew crowned Vogue cover girl Lupita Nyong'o says Hamish Bowles that the red carpet is just like a war zone.

Boarding on the enormous style marathon of her first awards season sponsoring 2013 biopic 12 Years a Slave, Lupita Nyong'o explains that she had plenty of notice.

"Everybody said,'Brace yourself, Lupita! Keep a bar in that hold of yours!'" 
the actress tells Vogue's Hamish Bowles during her first cover interview

Gracing her first Vogue cover in an equally fabulous Prada dress, we have no doubt a style savvy Nyong'o will tackle her next 'war zone' with the ease and grace of a seasoned professional.

And in spite of a series of epic six-hour dress fittings with stylist Micaela Erlanger 

- "we'd just try, try, try, try, try, try, try" -

Nyong'o still had the same gown fear that must plague a clumsy Jennifer Lawrence every time she steps out in a lengthy fold.

Even a stash of cereal bars (does she keep them under the lengths of her Prada gowns or tucked inside her Ralph Lauren cape?) couldn't prepare the actress for the red carpet: It "feels like a war zone, except you cannot fly or fight; you just have to stand there and take it."

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