Saturday, December 6, 2014

Jodoh doktor Afrika Selatan

Kuala Lumpur: Pengacara televisyen, model dan pelakon tanah air Elaine Daly selamat melangsungkan perkahwinan dengan doktor berasal dari Afrika Selatan, Nik Boden di sini, semalam.
Majlis resepsi berlangsung di restoran di Kampung Pandan dihadiri 240 tetamu terdiri daripada ahli keluarga dan rakan industri seni.
Elaine, 38, berkata, dia berkenalan dengan Boden, 37, pada Mac lalu melalui rakan sebelum mereka bertunang pada Julai.
“Saya gembira kerana akhirnya ditemukan jodoh dengan lelaki baik hati dan memahami kerjaya saya,” katanya.
Pengacara program ntv7, Bella itu berkata, dia dan suami juga akan mengadakan resepsi perkahwinan di Afrika Selatan pihak pengantin lelaki pada Januari ini.
“Sebelum itu, kami akan melangsungkan resepsi di Puncak Damai, Genting Highlands untuk saudara-mara serta kenalan rapat Sabtu ini,” katanya.
Turut hadir pada majlis, selebriti Hans Issac, Fazura, Sazzy Falak, Daphne Iking dan Vanessa Chong.
Boden sudah 11 tahun menetap di negara ini dan mempunyai seorang anak lelaki berusia enam tahun.


Lihat Apa Yang Lelaki Ini Sanggup Buat Untuk Hidup Selamanya

Tim Cannon menggelarkan dirinya seorang ‘biohacker’ dengan memasukkan cip eletronik  ke dalam tangannya sendiri dengan alasan untuk hidup selamanya.
Paling menakutkan, dia memasukkan cip eletronik tersebut di bawah kulit lengannya yang lebih kurang sebesar kotak rokok tanpa bantuan mana-mana doctor mahupun bius, sebaliknya menggunakan ais bagi mengurangkan kesakitan.
Tim Cannon merupakan seorang software developer dari Pittsburg dan salah seorang developer di Grindhouse Wetware, satu firma yang menjelaskan di dalam laman web mereka sebagai “Computers are hardware. Apps are software. Humans are wetware”. Laman web juga menjelaskan bahawa manusia tidak lagi perlu ke hospital untuk memeriksa kesihatan mereka dengan memantau sendiri tubuh badan mereka.
Cip yang ditanam digunakn untuk memantau suhu badannya yang mana akan memancarkan lampu hijau di bawah kulit jika beliau mula mengalami demam. Cip ini juga berkomukasi dengan tablet android melalui sambungan Bluetooth.
Selepas peranti tersebut dipasang, Cannon setapak ke hadapan untuk menggapai impian semasa kecilnya. “Semenjak saya kecil, saya telah menceritakan kepada semua orang yang saya akan menjadi robot,” katanya kepada The Verge. “Sekarang, semua itu tidak  mustahil lagi.”
“Saya tidak mahu mati dan saya tak faham mengapa ada manusia mahu mati,” katanya. Prosedur memasukkan peranti itu dilakukan seorang ‘artis mengubah suai tubuh’ serta pakar tatu, Steve Haworth.
“Saya rasa persekitaran kita perlu lebih peka terhadap tubuh badan kita” katanya kepada Motherboard . “Contohnya, bilamana kita pulang dalam keadaan tertekan, peranti tersebut akan berkomunikasi dengan rumah kita untuk menyediakan kediaman dengan suasana yang tenang: menyuramkan lampu, memanaskan air di dalam tab mandi”.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dubai Mengeluarkan “Halal Wine” Pertama Di Dunia, Berisi Serbuk Emas 24 Karat

Laman web Style Vault Dubai baru baru menerbitkan laporan tentang pelancaran sparkling wine halal di Dubai yang diberi nama Lussory Gold, mengandung 0,0% alkohol dan serpihan atau serbuk emas 24 karat yang boleh dimakan.
Lussory adalah syarikat yang mengeluarkan red wine, white wine, dan brut (sparkling) wine dengan sijil halal — menerusi sistem dealkoholisasi, mereka dapat menghasilkan wine yang bebas alkohol tanpa bahan tambahan atau perasa.
Lussory Gold ini dihasilkan dengan cara yang sama wine atau champagne biasa dihasilkan namun kandungan alkoholnya dibuang sebelum ianya dibotolkan. Bahan mentah iaitu buah anggurnya sendiri berasal dari kebun di La Mancha, Sepanyol.
“Kami menerima permintaan tinggi terhadap champagne halal kelas satu dari pelanggan dan klien kami. Mereka ingin memberikan pengalaman istimewa di acara perkahwinan, sambutan tahunan & majlis syarikat,” jelas Tony Colley, Pengurus Besar Lootah Premium Foods.
Wine tanpa alkohol ini juga boleh digunakan seperti wine dan champagne biasa bermakna Lussory Gold boleh dicampurkan ke dalam masakan atau pun dijadikan campuran minuman halal yang lain.
Lussory Gold dijual di Dubai dengan harga 550 dirham UEA (RM475) sebotol.
*Lebih baik kita minum air yang diyakini halal, in sha Allah Barokah!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

TRAGIS pelajar india MAUT dibaham harimau di Zoo

NEW DELHI : Seorang remaja menghadapi detik tragis apabila beliau maut dibaham seekor harimau putih di sini semalam, lapor portal berita antarabangsa AFP.

Saat-saat akhir pemuda tersebut sebelum menjadi mangsa harimau putih mula menjadi viral dilaman sosial menerusi sekeping gambar disampingVIDEO footage yang dimuat naik dilaman sosial Youtube.

Kebanyakan pengguna laman sosial meluahkan rasa simpati kepada remaja itu yang berdepan detik-detik akhir dibaham harimau putih terbabit.

Menerusi laporan AFP, harimau putih itu menyerang dan membunuh remaja lelaki yang dipercayai terjatuh atau melompat ke dalam sebuah kandang harimau yang menempatkan haiwan terbabit di sebuah zoo di India.

Pengunjung yang berada ditempat kejadian turut sama membantu mangsa dengan membaling kayu serta batu, tetapi usaha itu dilihat gagal bagi membantu mangsa apabila harimau itu menerkam mangsa dibahagian lehernya.

Mayat remaja malang itu telah dibawa ke sebuah hospital di New Delhi untuk dibedah siasat. Bagaimanapun pihak berkuasa masih belum dapat mengesahkan samaada mangsa di tempat kejadian seorang diri atau bersama rakannya, lapor AFP.


6 Foto lelaki ditangkap tengah melapah lembu curi berjemaah

Orang ramai sibuk membuat persediaan untuk menyambut Hari Raya Korban yang bakal tiba,  mereka yang tidak bertanggung jawab  sibuk juga nak berkorban dengan melakukan kerja jahat mencuri lembu-lembu yang dah disediakan  untuk majlis tersebut. 

Dalam gambar di atas seorang lelaki yang di syaki pencuri sedang sibuk melapah lembu yang di curi semasa ditangkap oleh orang ramai,kejadian tidak pasti di mana yang pasti mereka-mereka yang tidak bertanggung jawab ini sanggup mengambil kesempatan sempena Hari Raya Korban yang mana lembu banyak untuk Hari Raya korban nanti. 


Monday, June 23, 2014

24 Brotherhood supporters sentenced to life over killing taxi driver in Mansoura

Mansoura Criminal Court sentenced to life on Monday 24 suspects, who were attending a Muslim Brotherhood march, for murdering a taxi driver.
The court also sentenced another suspect to seven years and referred a minor to a juvenile facility.
The incidents took place in December during a protest by the Muslim Brotherhood against former President Mohamed Morsy's ouster.
According to a police report, when the taxi driver Mohamed Kamal Badr Eddin, 34 years old, drove by the march, protestors allegedly verbally assaulted him and threw Molotov cocktails at his taxi.
In the trial, prosecution later alleged that the driver rejected the protest and had a photo displayed in his car of the then Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
The newspaper Al-Tahrir earlier reported that protesters had accused the slain driver of running his car into the march and hitting some women.
When Eddin tried to escape the burning car, the protesters allegedly chased him and attacked him with bladed weapons, leading to his injuries. He later died in the hospital of his injuries


Google starts testing a domain registration service

Google today revealed that it is building a domain registration service called Google Domains. 
The product is still an early work in progress, so it’s in invite-only beta for now.
Google’s small business-facing division decided to build the product because, according to its research, 55 percent of small businesses still don’t have a website. 
Since the domain acts as a website’s foundation, Google decided to do more to help companies get started with their online presence. 
While Google Domains won’t include hosting, website building providers SquarespaceWix,Weebly and Shopify have signed on as partners.
When Google Domains launches to the public, you’ll be able to buy and sell domains through the service. 
Unlike some other domain registration offerings, Google won’t charge you extra to register your domain privately. 
You’ll be able to create up to 100 email addresses on the domain and as many as 100 customized sub-domains. 
Google Domains will also use the company’s own DNS servers, so visitors should get a snappy response time when they hit up your site.
If you’re interested in trying out Google Domains, head to the link below, click on “Manage My Domains” and then follow the instructions to request an invite code.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

ISIS seized power Iraq-Syria frontier

BAGHDAD, June 21:

Sunni fighters seized a border post on the Iraq-Syria frontier on Saturday, smashing a line drawn in 1932 by colonial powers and linking hundreds of miles of land they control to create an Islamic Caliphate from the Mediterranean Sea to Iran.
The militants, led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), first moved into the nearby town ofal-Qaim on Friday, pushing out security forces, the sources said.
Once border guards heard that al-Qaim had fallen, they left their posts and militants moved in, the sources said.
Sameer al-Shwiali, media adviser to the commander of Iraq’s anti-terrorist squad, said that the Iraqi army was still in control of al-Qaim.
Al-Qaim and its neighbouring Syrian counterpart Albukamal are on a strategic supply route. A three-year civil war in Syria has left most of eastern Syria in the hands of Sunni militants, including the Albukamal-Qaim crossing.
With stunning speed, ISIL, an offshoot of al-Qaeda, has captured swathes of territory in northwest and central Iraq, including the second city, Mosul. They have seized large amounts of weaponry from the fleeing Iraqi army and looted banks.
The fighting has divided Iraq along sectarian lines. The Kurds have expanded their zone in the northeast to include the oil city of Kirkuk, which they regard as part of Kurdistan, while Sunnis have taken ground in the west.
The Shi’ite-led government has mobilised militia to send volunteers to the front lines.
President Barack Obama has offered up to 300 US special forces advisers to help the Iraqi government recapture territory seized by ISIL and other Sunni armed groups across northern and western Iraq.
But he has held off granting a request for air strikes to protect the government and renewed a call for Iraq’s long-serving Shi’ite Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to do more to overcome sectarian divisions that have fuelled resentment among the Sunni minority.
In Baghdad’s Shi’ite slum of Sadr City, thousands of fighters wearing military fatigues marched through the streets.
They carried rocket-propelled grenades, semi-automatic rifles and trucks had mounted long-range rockets, including the new 3-metre “Moqtada 1” missile, named after Shi’ite religious leader Moqtada al-Sadr, who has tens of thousands of followers.
Sadr has yet to throw his fighters into the recent wave of fighting but has criticised Maliki for mishandling the crisis.
“These brigades are sending a message of peace. They are the brigades of peace. They are ready to sacrifice their souls and blood for the sake of defending Iraq and its generous people,” a man on a podium said as the troops marched by

Dad of British ISIL jihadist ‘wants to cry’ over online video

LONDON, June 21, 2014:
The father of a British man who left to fight in Syria said today he “wants to cry” after his son appeared in an online video aimed at recruiting jihadists.
Ahmed Muthana identified the man in the 13-minute video, entitled There is No Life Without Jihad, as his 20-year-old son, Nasser Muthana, from Cardiff.
Speaking to BBC Wales, Ahmed Muthana said seeing the video made him “want to cry” and asked his son “why did you do this?”
“Is he going to kill?” he asked. “He didn’t think of the children, the women, elderly people. Someone is driving these kids to do this.”
Nasser, who had received four university offers to study medicine, appears in the YouTube video — dressed in a white turban — using the name Abu Muthanna al-Yemen and is flanked by five other men, three of whom appear to be British.
His father slammed those who had drawn his son into the conflict, saying they only “send other people’s children” into battle.
He accused them of making a problem for whole of the “multicultural” UK, not just the Muslim community.
British police are trying to remove the online film, which was posted by accounts linked to militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
The jihadist group is renowned for its ferocity, and is currently fighting against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and recently took Iraq’s second city of Mosul.
British intelligence believe ISIL has recruited around 400-500 Britons.
Ahmed Muthana told BBC Wales that he was worried his son would “come back to me in a coffin”.
He explained that his son had left home in November, and that he believed he had gone to study in Leicester or Shrewsbury.
“I received a phone call saying that he’s in Turkey and that’s it,” he added.
“I don’t think that’s Nasser talking, it’s someone else is teaching him to talk like this because the attitude of Nasser is 100% completely different,” he said.
The British government on Thursday banned the militant group currently rampaging through northern Iraq, adding it to a list of proscribed organisations along with four other groups linked to the Syrian conflict.
It is now an offence in Britain to belong to or invite support for ISIL and the four other proscribed groups, or even to wear clothing or carry items in public indicating support.
Prime Minister David Cameron is worried that British nationals joining in the fighting in Iraq and Syria pose a threat to Britain’s security.
Police have made 65 Syria-related arrests since January 2013, Cameron’s office has said, while 14 people had their passports seized in the year to March, “a significant number” of them related to Syria.

Contractor killed in Petronas gas plant explosion

A welder was killed while three others injured after an explosion occurred at the Petronas Gas Processing Plant 4 (GPP4) in Kertih, Terengganu plant at 11.15pm yesterday.
In a press statement, Petronas Gas Berhad (PGB) confirmed that an employee of its contractor was killed in the incident, which occurred when repair work was being carried out at the plant.
“PGB is extending all necessary assistance to the family members of the victim,” the statement read, adding that the company was working with the relevant authorities to establish the cause of the accident.
It said the Petronas group of companies consistently adhered to stringent safety measures at all times, in line with international standards at all of its operations.
Meanwhile, according to a report by the New Straits Times, the four were welders who were believed to be on duty fixing gas leaks at the scene when the explosion took place.
District police chief Superintendent Che Suza Che Hitam reportedly said police were alerted about the incident at 1.30am today when a worker lodged a report at the Kertih police station.
The report added the deceased was identified as Muhammad Firdaus Hassan, 26, from Jalan Kenanga, Sura Jeti in Dungun.
“We have yet to get the details of the other three workers, who have been warded at the Kemaman Hospital here,” he was quoted as saying.
He added police were investigating and were in the process of recording statements by witnesses to find out the cause of the explosion.
The victim’s body was sent to the forensic unit of the Kemaman Hospital for a post-mortem.

Singapore hate blog against Filipinos taken down

A blog that listed ways to harass Singapore's Filipino population has been taken down by Google, drawing mostly positive reactions from Singaporeans online, including the Cabinet minister in charge of approving foreign worker permits. — AFP pic

Google has taken down a blog that listed ways to harass Singapore’s Filipino population, drawing praise from Internet users appalled by growing racial tensions in the city-state.
Police said on Thursday that they are investigating the anonymous “Blood Stained Singapore” blog, which suggested Singaporeans should refuse to be served by Filipinos in restaurants, or “accidentally” shove them in crowded places.
In a post titled “Filipino infestation in Singapore — 5 point guide to showing displeasure without breaking the law”, the blog also advised Singaporeans not to help Filipinos involved in traffic accidents.
The blog, which surfaced on Google’s Blogger platform in May, was no longer available by late Thursday.
A Google spokeswoman said she could not comment on individual cases but confirmed that the US web giant removes material from Blogger that violates its policy on hate speech.
The Filipino community in Singapore is estimated at more than 170,000, many of them professionals seen by some Singaporeans as rivals for jobs — a sharp change from a decade ago, when most Filipinos there worked as domestic helpers.
Singaporeans make up just over 60% of the 5.4 million population, with a low fertility rate forcing the government to rely heavily on guest workers.
The influx of foreign workers in general, many of them from China and India, has sparked a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment.
The blog had triggered indignation among Filipinos at home and abroad, with some calling for counter-measures against Singaporeans.
The Philippine embassy has urged Singaporean authorities to take action against the blogger.
Google’s decision to remove the blog drew mostly positive reactions from Singaporeans online, including the Cabinet minister in charge of approving foreign worker permits.
“Vile and vicious blogs like this do not reflect who we are as a people,” Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin said in a Facebook post.
But others questioned whether the move stymied freedom of speech in Singapore.
“Hooray for a democratic country which forcefully shuts the mouths of her citizens!” wrote Titus Lin on the Facebook page of national broadcaster Channel NewsAsia.

Rockstar dad and actress daughter caught in Twitter, Instagram chaos, finally runs out of patience

KUALA LUMPUR: With Father's Day having just passed, legendary rocker Amy Search proved he is just as concerned as any dad would be when he lashed out at his daughter on her Instagram page, Friday.

Irked by Nabila Huda's constant uploading of her holiday pictures together with her boyfriend abroad, Amy did not mince his words, lacing them with expletives as he chided both his daughter, who is also an actor, and her partner.
Below are among the comments left by Amy (@akuamysearch).

The photograph is believed to have been taken in Spain where Nabila Huda, an actress, is reportedly vacationing at.

Londoners hunt for Hidden Cash left in envelopes by STYLO US billionaire Jason Buzi in Kensington

Hundreds of Londoners have joined the hunt to find envelopes full of cash hidden at a secret location by an American billionaire.

They descended en masse on Kensington Gardens in west London this morning after Bunzi posted a series of cryptic clues on the @HiddenCash Twitter page.
Delighted treasure hunters tweeted pictures of them holding the envelopes that were concealed in bushes near the famous Peter Pan statue as part of the social experiment.
Sam Wilson, who found the first envelope containing £50, told the BBC: ‘There were a few people here, but everyone was looking in obvious places
‘I was just walking past a tree stump and thought that would be a good place to hide it and there it was.’
She added: ‘It’s a really good idea. A lot of people say he should give money straight to charity but he does that already so that’s not what this is about; it’s a fun game.
‘There were loads of people running around in the sunshine and there was a sense of community and adventure.’
Mr Buzi, who made his fortune buying and reselling homes, and who claims to be among America’s richest 1 per cent, said he was also considering whether to expand the game to the rest of the UK.
The real estate investor hit the headlines after hiding tens of thousands of dollars for people to find in the US and tweeting cryptic clues to the envelopes.
‘It’s just really fun, it’s fun to see how excited people get,’ he told ITV.


How much referees and players are set to earn during the STYLO World Cup

A paycheck at the end of the week is something all employees look forward to, but what can players and referees—who will have all eyes on them on the world’s biggest stage—expect to see on their checks? Well, one might be surprised.
Referees can make up to $50,000 for the month-long tournament, but only about ten official are expected to make this amount. In reality, the figure is relatively smaller (in 2006, most were paid $35,000) for each referee based on experience and fitness as well as which games they are in charge of officiating.
When it comes to players however, the variation is more significant, dependent on the type of player and what team he plays for.
However, each team is guaranteed $8 million dollars just for making it to Brazil -- a number decided by FIFA, and the same amount that teams received for making it to the World Cup in South Africa in 2010. 
So what is the average salary for everyone else?
It was reported that the U.S. players would each be looking at getting at least $76,000. The Aussiesare each set to make $150,000 total when you take into account the match fees and prize money for being in the competition, regardless of results. Cameroonian players didn’t seem to be satisfied with the amount they were being paid, delaying their flight to Brazil and forcing their federation to take out a loan that increased their salaries by $12,000.
Of course, each team’s salary choice is their decision considering FIFA allows individual salary caps for each nation. The same goes for the amount that each nation will pay its players for the amount of matches they play, whether or not they advance to the next round or if they actually win the tournament (the English Federation is set to pay their players almost $700,000 if they lift up the cup).
The bottom line: it depends.
Needless to say, there won’t be a single player or official involved in the tournament who will be going home empty-handed (you know… money-wise).

source : yahoo sport

Friday, June 20, 2014



Studying like a STYLO boss!


The new stylo generation will not know about


Cristiano Ronaldo & Irina Shayk: a stylo modern family

Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, his three-year-old son and model girlfriend Irina Shayk out on a united front to collect his Ballon d'Or award in Zurich

Going on the red carpet in Zurich previous night, a smiling Cristiano Ronaldo, his model girlfriend Irina Shayk and little Cristiano Ronaldo Jr considered like they could give the Beckhams a run in the genetically-blessed stakes

Of course, the Portuguese footballer had adequately to smile about. Taking the prestigious 2013 Fifa Ballon d'Or for the second time in his profession in his shiny DSquared2 suit, his feat ended his FC Barcelona rival Lionel Messi's four-year reign as holder of the crown.

But Russian-born Irina, who has adorned the cover of Sports Illustrated and modelled for lingerie giant Intimissimi, is not the to three-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. 

He was abruptly greeted into the world  well, to the general public at least when his birth was publicized by Ronaldo in 2010, just after he started dating Ms Shayk. 

The 28-year-old former Manchester United star has formal custody of the toddler and his mother's identity remains unknown.

Watch Ronaldo's acceptance speech:


Britain's best homes

The longlist for the UK’s foremost private housing design award have been revealed today by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). RIBA President Stephen Hodder said:

"The 2014 RIBA Manser Medal longlist reveals the most innovative, sustainable and beautiful new homes to have been completed in the past year. The exciting line-up is a testimony to the wonderful talent and achievements of some of the UK’s best architects.” Here is a selection from the longlist... 

Above: Loughloughan Barn by McGarry-Moon Architects. A modernised barn loyal to its pastoral surrounds, made of stone, timber, glass and zinc, in County Antrim with views of Slemish Mountain.

The internal layout has been configured so that the first floor living spaces and master bedroom can benefit from light and views, while the guest bedrooms and utility have been tucked into the lower level. The form and feel of the original barn has been maintained throughout, yet the interior space has been transformed into a light-filled contemporary space.

High Edge by Evans Vettori. A contemporary take on the Swiss chalet, overlooking the River Derwent in England's ‘Little Switzerland’

High Edge sits comfortably in its surroundings and displays an impressive range of traditional and contemporary craftsmanship applied to materials sourced local and abroad]

The design overcame numerous constraints during the planning and construction phases and yet all aspects of the project feel well considered, neither laboured nor compromised

The Kench by MELOY Architects. A modest beach house with commanding views on Hayling Island in Hampshire, which appears to float above the existing ground levels to avoid flooding risk

The rooms are arranged in a way that makes the most of the views over the Kench

Stormy Castle by Loyn & Co Architects. A modern castle in a stunning Gower peninsula-setting

Lupita Nyong'o nicks her stylo first Vogue cover

On undertaking her first awards season, anew crowned Vogue cover girl Lupita Nyong'o says Hamish Bowles that the red carpet is just like a war zone.

Boarding on the enormous style marathon of her first awards season sponsoring 2013 biopic 12 Years a Slave, Lupita Nyong'o explains that she had plenty of notice.

"Everybody said,'Brace yourself, Lupita! Keep a bar in that hold of yours!'" 
the actress tells Vogue's Hamish Bowles during her first cover interview

Gracing her first Vogue cover in an equally fabulous Prada dress, we have no doubt a style savvy Nyong'o will tackle her next 'war zone' with the ease and grace of a seasoned professional.

And in spite of a series of epic six-hour dress fittings with stylist Micaela Erlanger 

- "we'd just try, try, try, try, try, try, try" -

Nyong'o still had the same gown fear that must plague a clumsy Jennifer Lawrence every time she steps out in a lengthy fold.

Even a stash of cereal bars (does she keep them under the lengths of her Prada gowns or tucked inside her Ralph Lauren cape?) couldn't prepare the actress for the red carpet: It "feels like a war zone, except you cannot fly or fight; you just have to stand there and take it."


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